Even the Buddha depended upon benefactors.* Please help!
* Anathapindika was a wealthy merchant and the main patron of the Buddha. He is famous for donating 1.8 million pieces of gold. We are not asking for that, but we do need help with our operating expenses.
Generosity is the very first of the Six Perfections taught by the Buddha. Our donors, students and other participants make donations to help us help others. We deeply appreciate whatever contributions you can make to help continue our programs. Thank you! - Yogi Khenpo Drimed Dawa
Everyone helping at Awam Institute is a volunteer, so every dollar donated goes directly to support Awam programs and activities. Some volunteers help out a few hours from time to time. Others spend many hours weekly. Although our major dharma events tend to break even thanks to some generous donations, we have additional operating expenses. Our major operating expenses include space rental, Internet, and utilities. From time to time we also need to purchase software, equipment and administrative supplies. Please consider giving generously to Awam Tibetan Buddhist Institute. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. For further information please contact or call us at 520-622-8460.
Awam Tibetan Buddhist Institute is registered as a nonprofit organization with the Corporation Commission of the State of Arizona and is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service Code. Your contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
We have two payment options online: (1) single donations and (2) recurring donations. You may also contact us by phone or email, or mail checks to us. Please Contact Us if you have questions.
PayPal donations (click on button ... or use QR code):
Donate by check: Please mail to:
Awam Tibetan Buddhist Institute
301 N Longfellow Ave
Tucson, AZ 85711
Additional Ways to Give
As you think about your charitable giving, we hope you will consider the following options:
Gifts of Cash
Cash gifts are an easy way to give as well as fulfill philanthropic goals. Cash gifts of any size make an immediate impact on the donor's designated program of choice.
Check or credit card pledges allow donors to make ambitious commitments over a period of months or years, thereby gaining flexibility in scheduling payments.
Planned Gifts
Planned giving enables donors to help others during and beyond their lifetime. By including specific language in a will or trust naming Awam Tibetan Buddhist Institute as the recipient of a gift, donors help ensure the future of the Institute's services and programs in the community, and can further their financial goals.
Planned gifts are often structured to provide income to the donor, family members, or friends for life or a term of years. They take many forms including charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, life estate agreements, and property. The choice depends on the donor's particular situation, financial goals, and philanthropic objectives.
A planned gift is more than a financial investment. It is an investment that will transform and enrich the lives of those around you. Your planned gift to the Institute will have a lasting, positive impact on Awam Tibetan Buddhist Institute - and just as importantly, will give you the satisfaction of having done so.
Donors are encouraged to structure a gift as a perpetual endowment so that the Institute can distribute an ongoing portion of the annual earnings to their specific interest at Awam Tibetan Buddhist Institute.
Marketable Securities
Donors can make gifts to the Institute using marketable securities including stocks and bonds. These assets are a win-win opportunity for donors and the Institute under current tax laws. They provide an immediate benefit to the Institute, a current income tax savings for the donor, and are easily transferred to the Institute. A gift of marketable securities entitle the donor to take a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the security held longer than one year. Usually, this avoids paying capital gains tax that would otherwise be due if the donor sold the securities.
Gifts of Insurance Policies
A gift of a life insurance policy can be a way to combine charitable objectives with tax advantages for donors.
Donors may receive an income tax deduction by naming Awam Tibetan Buddhist Institute as an partial beneficiary or owner of a life insurance policy. If a donor continues to make premium payments after making the gift, those payments may also be deductible. The amount of the deduction depends on the type of policy gifted. An irrevocable gift of life insurance may be appropriate when the policy becomes unnecessary either from the growth of the donor's assets or the reduced needs of their dependents.
Because the tax laws regarding gifts of life insurance policies are complex, please contact your attorney, financial adviser, or tax professional to determine an option best suited to your individual goals.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Many companies match employee contributions to charitable causes. Matching gifts are an additional contribution over and above a donor's personal gift or pledge. A dollar-for-dollar match is common, and some companies donate a two-to-one ratio or more for every dollar an employee contributes. To learn about your employers policies contact the human resources office at your workplace.
Real Estate
Real estate includes homes, commercial buildings, farmland, cabins, and other property. Gifts of real estate can be very helpful to the Institute while providing donors with substantial benefits, as well. Even if the value of the property is more than a donor wishes to give (or deduct) in any given year, a portion of it may still be used to make a gift. The Institute reviews each potential gift of real estate before accepting the gift.
Personal Property
Almost anything of value - furniture, tankas, dharma books - can be used to make a gift to the Institute. Consult your attorney or financial advisor about how to use these properties as charitable gifts to the Institute.
Individual Retirement Plan Assets
There are certain restrictions on distributions from retirement plans that are not present in distributions from an IRA. All retirement plan assets may be rolled over into an IRA after a person retires or leaves employment with a given organization.
When retirement assets are held in an IRA, they are an excellent source of money for donors to make outright gifts to the Institute. While the money withdrawn from an IRA is fully taxable, if that money is gifted to Awam Tibetan Buddhist Institute, the donor could receive a tax deduction for up to the total amount of the gift.
Possible tax consequences of gifting from an IRA can be minimal and the gratification of seeing a favorite project at the Institute immediately funded can compensate for taxes owed.
Awam Tibetan Buddhist Institute is registered as a nonprofit organization with the Corporation Commission of the State of Arizona and is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service Code. Your contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
For further information please contact or call 520-622-8460.